Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Mistakes When adding an addition to your home

 *Adding an addition to your home can be a great opportunity to make some money on the side. However, it is important to remember that every addition you build will have a cost associated with it. The more you add and the larger the addition, the more expensive it becomes. Before you decide to add any room to your home, you need to determine if the extra space is justified by the potential return on investment (ROI) you may get from it.

The first step in preparing your home for an addition is to make sure you have the money to do it. If you don't have enough money to pay for an addition, then you're better off building a new house instead of adding onto an existing one.

Another common mistake when adding an addition is not being realistic about what can be done in a space. A lot of people who are starting out with their own home build project think they can do anything and everything they want with their new space, but this just isn't possible.

When adding an addition, it's important to keep in mind that the finished product will take up more space than what was originally there. This means that other rooms will be smaller in size or may even be eliminated altogether if necessary.

A good example of this would be if you're replacing an entire floor of your home and want to keep all of the rooms on that level. You may decide that having two bedrooms and two bathrooms on each level of your home is enough for now, but if you later decide to add on another story or two then you'll need extra space on those levels as well.

1. Not checking the structural integrity of the structure

2. Not considering the cost of repair and maintenance

3. Not looking at other homes that are similar to yours

4. Not checking on your insurance policy

5. Not comparing apples with apples - this is a new structure and you should be comparing it to an old one, not an existing home

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